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  • Thrizer

    Thrizer is a payment service designed to help clients pay for out-of-network therapy

    Get your reimbursements FASTER. We handle the hassle of submitting claims. The service is call Thrizer, helps facilitate clients reimbursements from their Insurance provider for out of network (OON) therapy. We can provide an “instant check” if your insurance provider pays for OON and if you have a deductible.

    Clients would have 2 choices:

    1. Clients pay only their Co-Insurance portion, Thrizer floats the rest and waits for reimbursement on their behalf. Thrizer pays the full Therapists fee.

    2. Clients pay the full rate upfront and receive reimbursements via direct deposit in weeks, not months with Thrizer’s help. Thrizer will upload the Superbills to your Insurance Provider for fast turnaround.